Bookbug is the Scottish Book Trust’s national Early Years programme. Sessions are free, friendly, fun sessions of songs, rhymes and stories for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and their families and carers to enjoy together. Our sessions are suitable for ages 0+.

There are gentle songs for bouncing babies and loads of chances to move for toddlers who’ve found their feet! There are also stories and probably a few rhymes you’ll remember from your own childhood.

Please note

Booking in advance is essential only at the AK Bell Library to ensure a place.

To book a place at our AK Bell Library sessions, please phone the library on 01738 477017 from 9.30am on Friday before the Wednesday session and from 9.30am on Wednesday before the Saturday session.

Please see the table below for information on where to find your nearest Bookbug session.

LibraryDayTimeBooking Contact
AK Bell LibraryWednesday9.45am01738 477017
AK Bell LibrarySaturday10.00am
01738 477017
Alyth LibraryThursday1.00pm
01828 632731[email protected]
Auchterarder LibraryThursday2.30pm01764 661435[email protected]
Birnam LibraryThursday10.30am
01738 459709[email protected]
Blairgowrie LibraryTuesday10.00am
01250 871305[email protected]
Blairgowrie LibraryThursday2.00pm
01250 871305[email protected]
Breadalbane Community LibraryFriday11.15am01887 822405[email protected]
Comrie Library#First Friday of the month9.30am01764 657860[email protected]
Comrie Library#Second Thursday of the month1.30pm01764 657860[email protected]
Gaelic Bookbug at the AK Library*Sat 15 Mar11.00amNo need to book,
just turn up!
Loch Leven Community LibraryWednesday2.00pm01577 867205[email protected]
Loch Leven Community LibrarySaturday10.00am01577 867205[email protected]
North Inch Community LibraryWednesday11.30am01738 454406[email protected]
North Inch Community LibrarySaturday
10.30am01738 454406[email protected]
Pitlochry LibraryThursday09:15am01796 474635[email protected]
Scone LibrarySaturday10.30am01738 459565[email protected]
Strathearn Comunity LibraryThursday10.30am01764 657705[email protected]

# No Bookbug sessions during School Holidays

* The drop-in Gaelic Bookbug session is delivered by a partner and Culture Perth and Kinross Libraries.

As a national charity, the Scottish Book Trust delivers the Bookbug programme locally by working in partnership with local library and education services, the health service and third-sector organisations. To support local delivery of the Bookbug programme, the Scottish Book Trust provides its partners with training, advice and Bookbug bags of books.


A Bookbug App is available to download via the Scottish Book Trust Website. Please click here to open the webpage.

Scottish Book Trust resources

The Scottish Book Trust website has resources available on their website to enable you to run sessions at home. Please click here to open the webpage.

The Scottish Book Trust has a YouTube channel where you access over 60 songs and rhymes for free! It’s available on YouTube.

The Scottish Book Trust learning resources are specifically designed to help practitioners support children’s transition from nursery to primary.

Bookbug Online Shop

You can now buy Bookbug toys, stickers, t-shirts, and so much more in the Bookbug online shop  All proceeds from the shop will enable them to deliver more of their work. Shop online here.